Baracuda Fish




Health Benefits of Barracuda Fish

1. Reduces the risk of heart disease

2. Asthma

3. Cancer

4. Diabetes

5. Inflammatory conditions

6. Better skin and hair

7. Helps brain development

8. Eyesight

9. Reduces Alzheimer’s risk

10.  Helps with depression

11. Healthy pregnancy

12. Stronger sperm

Health Benefits of Eating Barracuda Fish

Eating fish regularly can be very beneficial for your health, and it can help reduce the risk for some diseases, particularly those related to the heart. For adults, at least two servings of fish per week are recommended.

Fish is a high protein, low-calorie food, and is rich in omega 3 acids. These acids are very important for a healthy lifestyle, and cannot be produced by our bodies naturally.

Some specific benefits are:

  1. Reduces risk of heart disease

Omega 3 acids lower your blood pressure, prevent clotting, reduce abnormal heart rhythms, decrease blood fat levels, and have anti-inflammatory properties, which all help to reduce the risk of heart disease in humans. It’s common for those diagnosed with a heart condition to be prescribed fish oil tablets, or at least omega 3 supplements.

  1. Asthma

Children who eat fish may be less likely to develop asthma, according to research by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The suggested amount of consumption for kids is less than for adults, however, because they may be more susceptible to the potential toxins in the fish. One serving of fish a week is considered ideal.

  1. Cancer

Breast, colon, esophagus, ovary, and prostate are just some of the cancers which studies have shown to potentially be risk-reduced by as much as 30-50% thanks to the omega 3 fatty acids you receive from eating fish regularly.

  1. Diabetes

Fish oil may help reduce and manage sugar levels in your blood, which subsequently may help people reduce the risk of diabetes.

  1. Inflammatory conditions

The fatty acid fish contains can help to reduce inflammation. Hence, it may help with a variety of inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, psoriasis (skin condition), and autoimmune disease.

  1. Better skin and hair

The downside to a low-fat diet is that you are leaving your hair and nails without the little extra fat they need to thrive, which can result in them becoming fragile and dry. However, the fatty acids in fish are a healthy kind of fat and are what you should have to improve your hair and skin condition.

  1. Helps brain development

Fish with high levels of fatty acids, such as salmon or tuna, could be very beneficial for proper brain tissue development, especially in children. These acids could even help with ADHD disorders.

  1. Eyesight

Omega 3 acids can help with retinal tissue development, making the consumption of fish beneficial for your eyesight. Also, babies who are breastfed by their mothers who are eating fish tend to have better eyesight, because they receive all the nutrients of the omega 3 fatty acids through their mum.